A: A person between the ages 7 and 16, who commits an act which if had been committed by an adult, would have been a crime.
FAQ: All
Q: What is a JD - Juvenile Delinquent?
Q: What are PINS - Persons in Need of Supervision?
A: A person less than eighteen years of age who does not attend school in accordance with the NYS Education Law or who is incorrigible, ungovernable, or habitually disobedient and beyond the lawful control of a parent or other person legally responsible for such child's care, or who possesses or uses illegal or controlled substances.
Q: Is a probationer required to work while under probation supervision?
A: That depends. Generally, probation departments will require that a probationer work or attend school or a vocational program while under supervision if doing so improves the probationer’s chance of success. Employment promotes responsibility and accountability and helps to reduce probationer recidivism and enhances public safety. New York State is committed to increasing the number of probationers who are employed and able to support their families, as well as pay restitution to victims and fees to supervising probation departments.
Q: What is "Interim Probation Supervision"?
A: When the court determines that a person is eligible for a probation sentence and the defendant agrees, the court may adjourn the sentencing for up to one year from the date of conviction by virtue of a defendant's plea or a finding of guilt and place a defendant under interim probation supervision. Note that being placed on interim supervision does not guarantee a sentence to probation at the end of the interim period. In addition, if a person is sentenced to probation after successfully completing the interim probation period, the term of probation begins at sentencing and does not include the time under interim probation supervision. Interim supervision may be terminated prior to the end of the term and may result in a sentence to incarceration based on the individual's performance while under interim supervision.
Q: What is a “Certificate of Relief from Disabilities”?
A: A Certificate of Relief restores most of the rights that are lost due to a felony conviction. The Certificate does not restore the right to hold public office nor does it erase the conviction. Additionally, particular agencies and authorities may still deny an offender’s formerly held rights, based upon further investigation. For example, issuance of a Certificate of Relief to an offender does not ensure that a pistol permit application by the offender will be approved. A Certificate of Relief also does not cancel, or in any other way affect, the automatic forfeiture of a felony DWI offender’s operator’s license.
Q: Who do I call with a question about someone released from a State prison?
A: If you have a question about someone released from State prison, contact Parole at 845-452-0620.
Q: What is the difference between probation and parole?
A: Probation is a sentence or disposition imposed by a criminal court or family court. In general, probationers are released in the community without serving a period of local incarceration, although in certain circumstances they may be sentenced to both local imprisonment and probation. The sentence of incarceration is a condition of and runs concurrently with a sentence of probation. Probation is a county function in New York State. The Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives (OPCA) provides regulatory oversight and funding to local probation departments. Parole is a portion of a correctional sentence served in the community following a term of incarceration in state prison. For offenders serving an "indeterminate" sentence, the NYS Board of Parole makes decisions whether an eligible state inmate is granted or denied parole. Offenders sentenced to a "determinate" prison term generally are released after serving 6/7 of their sentence. The period of supervised release following incarceration for such offenders is known as "Post-Release Supervision" or parole. Parole is intended to assist offenders in returning to society. These offenders are supervised in the community by parole officers, who are state officials employed by the NYS Department of Corrections and Community Corrections.
Q: How do I find out if my exam has been cancelled due to the weather?
A: Listen to radio stations 92.1 FM, 92.7 FM, 93.3 FM, 94.3 FM, 96.1 FM, 97.7 FM, 99.3 FM, 100.1 FM, 101.5 FM, 1490 AM, 1370 AM (or visit their websites) or call Ulster County Community College at: 845-687-5000 and listen to the recording.
Q: Do I have to be an Ulster County resident to take a civil service exam?
A: Generally no, but a few examinations require residency in Ulster County.
Q: How do I find my rank on an eligible list?
A: Make a request in writing to 244 Fair Street, 5th Floor, Kingston, NY 12401 or by email to ucpers[at]co.ulster.ny[dot]us . The request must include the examination title. You will receive a response within 1 week.